Sound Bath Healing

Skateboarding is more than an activity, it’s a community.

push movement Recovery

About us


A sound bath is an immersive listening experience that intentionally invites the healing power of sound vibrations as a therapeutic and restorative process to nurture your body mind and soul.

Each person lays down in a comfortable position with a blanket and eye pillow. After a few minutes of guided meditation and breath focus, the experience then is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession with a 360° nature sound scape backdrop. The sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments including tuning forks, gongs, crystal harp, crystal pyramids, Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes, rainsticks and voice.

Sound baths guide your awareness to listening with your body, mind and soul. Your heart rate and brain waves slow shifting from a more active state to a more relaxed state. Many people experience a blissful dreamlike experience.

The healing sounds introduced during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness and an opportunity to unplug from the external world and gain a deeper perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep relaxation, vibrational healing, harmonizing of cells and systems in the body, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery.

Disharmony dissolves and space is created for your harmony and healing.

Check out our Burnside Skatepark Sound Bath!

About us


After healing from a near death experience 20yrs ago, Anahata (Karl Hubble) has been drawn to the healing path with many different offerings ranging from sound medicine, music therapy, nature healing and a line of healing liniments. He believes sound is the medicine of the future and has dedicated his life to this mission. He is known for his unique techniques of creating sound baths and is now expanding this work into serving in much needed areas such as addiction recovery at risk children and in the prison system.


Skateboarding is more than an activity, it’s a community.

push movement Recovery